Friday, December 31, 2010

yay!!1st post for dis new year..
as a year pass meaning a year older..gosh..i'm 22 dis year..
bile tahun baru je sume org msti brckp ttp azam msg2 tuk tahun 2011 ney..
as for me..azam yg tahun lepas tu akan carry on for 2011....:D

2010 meninggalkan 1001 kenangan pahit&manis...i harap kesilapan yg i buat last year xkan i ulangi lagi...well we need to learn from mistake right not repeat the same mistake!!

# soal CINTA--- well things with love often get complicated for me..i learned a lot in 2010 about for 2011 let me stay single..hehe..i frustated but i just not ready to give commitment to a relationship..what happen with my love throughout the year 2010 give a big impact to me...1 pengajaran yg i xkan lupe smpai bile2.i nak tinggalkan kisah cinta 2010 and i dah xnak ingat tentang leave a deep scar i my heart and it still hurt me. enough with love..continue my happy life :)
i want to share a love qoate yg i curik d mukebuku kwn i ney..

"Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with that someone, because sometimes FATE plays a fool on us and we are not meant to be together. But still, there is love between us. ♥"

# soal STUDY--- tuk sem ney i betol2 nak struggle gile2, da xmo men2..mcm sem lepas.result i sem lpas just ok je..CGPA 2.9..mmg i xpuas hati.i know dat i can do in 2011 i will double effort,xmo wat keje tangguh2..xmo stdy las minute..xmo byk main...and i jgk nk buat betol bkn sekadar mghafal..coz ini masa depan i yg mnentukan i ney sorg ENGINEER yg excellent ataw x..i hope everything dis year will go just smooth.. :)

# soal FRIEND--- hurm..saya rase kan sy ne sgt mudah tersentuh, sensitif...mudah terasa ngan member..ishh kena ubah ney.manja sgt. dis sem sy (saya plak,tadi gedik guna i..hehe) xbyk klas ngan my besfren-->kamu la tu hrp sgt i can manage without her ( terasa yg sy sgt bergntung ngan dia..).. sure i can do roomate this sem pon ase2 da tukar..dah x 1 bilik ngan kamu..huhu..sgt cedey...dgn kwn2 lain hrp2 sy dpt kawal ney kalu dah bertukar jadik T-REX ssh sume org sy nak marah..huhu..pada sume kwn2..sory lau di 2010 saya sgt annoying u guys..muaxx!!XOXO..syg sume..

# soal FULUS--- nih satu lg isu yg sentiasa buat sy pening (sume org kot) xde penaja dr bank PaMa so..100% pnjaman..adoi..harp2 dis sem sy spent wisely..byk sgt menda nak wat...coming up wat lesen yg tertunggak..libary..wahh..mcm2 many things..yg penting i need to SPEND WISELY..don't over spedo ngan mende2 yg xberfaedah..:)

# soal FAMILI--- haish...getting more..and more complicated...nothing much i can do,i guess...but i really hope dis will end soon...what can i do just..bertahan,bersabar..dah redha segalanya..

# soal ATTITUDE--- hahaha...attitude sape??==> S.A.Y.A haha..byk perkara that need to change...segalanya yg byk je..for thing we want to change is ourself first rite..:D.challenge dis year..i kena turunkan berat bdn hingga ke tahap ideal..haha..azam taun lepas ney..i malas nak bersenam aw..haha..i nak buang sifat M ney..ish2..teruk2...

anyway..sgt mendoakan yg taun ney akan dihadapi dengan tabah dgn ape pun yg akan berlaku..yer saya kena kuat dan tabah..dan taun ney will be shine and much brighter for me..

HAPPY NEW YEAR for kupu~kupu kecil saya..:))


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