dah lama betol xupdate kan..quite bz..hehehe...tu jela alasan kan..
nak tulis ape yep..??
oke...since dah lama x buat review on drama korea..ape kata post kali ni kite cite latest drama that I've watch...
sape suke Jang Geuk Suk?angkat
SNSD for k-pop fan mmg xasing la kan..YoonA pon berlakon dlm love rain ney..kalau xsilap ni 1st drama dye..sory if i get wrong info.memang cute la dorang ney..serasi je...
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adorable kan??comel~ |
oke kite layan dulu pic masa zaman 70-an ney..scene dye sangat cantek...
their love continue until 21 century..In Ha dah married with someone else..WHAT! bkn dengan Yoo Hee?
bukan..dorang tak kawen pon..Yoo Hee pon kawen dgn org lain..
tak mau bagi tau..=P
oke..sebabnya tuk bagi citer ne lebih conflict..21century..anak dorang lak yang bercinta..OMG!!!
so then cinta anak dorg ne xley together jugak sb dorg decide nak bagi laluan kat mak apak dorang la..
padahal dalam hati ney bergelora ombak rindu...
part ne..korg kena get ready dgn tisu PREMIER..nape premier?tisu lain xleh?utk kesan lebih dramatik guna lah tisu PREMIER..huhu..macam kena bayar wat iklan plak..oke..stop!
jom lah kite layan pic ney dulu...sooooo sweeeeettttt....mcm gula2 kapas gitew...
apa jadi dgn parent dorg?haa kena la tgk...hihi..
here is the overall sinopsis of this love story...
"Love Rain" depicts a 1970's pure love and a love from the present day at the same time. It shows how the offsprings of a previous ill-fated couple, who met in the 1970s, managed to meet and fall in love. Seo In Ha and Kim Yoon Hee, a art student and a shy beauty, met and fell in love with each other during college in the 1970s but unfortunately their love was fated to never be. Now in the present 21st century Korea, Seo In Ha's son, Seo Joon (a liberal photographer) meets and falls in with the daughter of Kim Yoon Hee, Yuri, a cheerful and energetic girl who's personality is different from her mother's. Will their love for each other keep them together or will they have to face the same fate as their parents?
cpt2 pg cari cite ney..try la tgk kat cni ade x..
http://maaduu.com , www.mysoju.com
so..hope u guys do enjoys watching love rain~
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