ape cerita kite ye arini..hurm~
orang sentiasa tgk ika hepy,tersenyum..gelak senda...
tapi hakikatnya ade 1001 kisah sedih yang terbuku dlm hati
pepisahan mak ayah...memang bg kesan yg sgt besar dalam hidup ika..
anak mana yang nak tgk their parents bercerai kan..
sakitnya bertahun..
reason why tak pernah plak ika bertanye..
nak sgt tahu..tapi biarkan pendamkan saja..tak mahu melukakan hati mama,abah..
ika menyalahkan 100% pada abah..adil ker?ika pun tak pasti..
masa tu ika benci org yang namanya lelaki..
serius...ika pk memainkan perasaan lelaki blh buat ika puas..
tp rasa tu tak lama...syukur...sedar tak elok buat org macam tu..
bukan senang nak gain my ika takut..
abah tipu pelbagai perkara...panas baran abah..
ika sendiri memang kuat melawan..memang cari penyakit la kan..
since then ika memang tak boleh ditengking..laju je air mata mngalir..
tapi suatu hari..masa tu kat ostel,ika tgk family kwn...hepy je..
ika sedar..ayah aku belum mati lagi...apepun yang berlaku di luar bidang kuasa kita..
dia tetap abah...ika tetap berbin kan nama abah smpai mati..
memaafkan abah merupakan perkara yg terbaik.
ika tak nak terus hidup dalam kebencian..
ape yang berlaku antara mama dan abah..itu antara mereka..
hidup ni tak lama..jgn menyesal bila dah terlambat..
kakak ngan adik memang org yg paling rapat ngan abah..
ika??memang bukan kemanjaan abah..
dorang masih simpan rasa marah,masih...
bukan senang nak bina balik kepercayaan tu kan..ika tak salahkan pun..
bila fikir abah alone..sedih sgt..
tapi what can i do??
ya Allah ku titipkan doa buat abahku...berikan kesihatan yang baik buatnya..
panjangkan usia abah ya allah ~~
semua orang berhak peluang kedua..
kita siapa utk mengadili kesalahan mereka?
alhamdullilah abah dah banyak berubah......
XOXO till then..bye~
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
why are you crying??
hi there..its been a while right...
me..just buzy with my final year..i got a lot to write..but i dont know how..
so coz rite know i just felt here my story...
why i'm cried..
i want to tell him why..
it because i love you..
you may be assume it as small big deal...
no difference if you tell me before@after..
but please put yourself in my shoes..What u'll feel?
for me..i really upset coz i think ...i am not that important to you??when you had to decide something important..i'm not in your important person to tell i?
everything i'd done,i'd said seem not important to you...
or it just my own feeling..
maybe i just being too i dear??
me..just buzy with my final year..i got a lot to write..but i dont know how..
so coz rite know i just felt here my story...
why i'm cried..
i want to tell him why..
it because i love you..
you may be assume it as small big deal...
no difference if you tell me before@after..
but please put yourself in my shoes..What u'll feel?
for me..i really upset coz i think ...i am not that important to you??when you had to decide something important..i'm not in your important person to tell i?
everything i'd done,i'd said seem not important to you...
or it just my own feeling..
maybe i just being too i dear??
thinking about you up there... |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
i'm sorry but i love you..
Mungkin kita pernah rasa tentang cinta,
Yang takdirnya bukan untuk kita,
Mungkin ini adalah cara meluah cinta,
Tanpa berkata atau berpandang mata,
I’m sorry but i love you,
I’m sorry if i miss you,
Even if i can’t have you ,
You know i’ll always be there for you,
Mungkin aku mencintaimu walaupun engkau tak pernah tahu,
Mungkin aku mencintaimu tanpa lelah atau pun jemu,
Mungkin kita tak bersama di takdirkan,
Tak mengapa asal kau bahagia,
Biar aku mencintaimu biar tiada siapa yang tahu,
Biar aku mencintaimu dalam diam ataupun bisu,
I’m sorry but i love you,
I’m sorry if imiss you,
Even if i can’t have you,
You know i’ll always be there for you.
I’m sorry but i love you..
Yang takdirnya bukan untuk kita,
Mungkin ini adalah cara meluah cinta,
Tanpa berkata atau berpandang mata,
I’m sorry but i love you,
I’m sorry if i miss you,
Even if i can’t have you ,
You know i’ll always be there for you,
Mungkin aku mencintaimu walaupun engkau tak pernah tahu,
Mungkin aku mencintaimu tanpa lelah atau pun jemu,
Mungkin kita tak bersama di takdirkan,
Tak mengapa asal kau bahagia,
Biar aku mencintaimu biar tiada siapa yang tahu,
Biar aku mencintaimu dalam diam ataupun bisu,
I’m sorry but i love you,
I’m sorry if imiss you,
Even if i can’t have you,
You know i’ll always be there for you.
I’m sorry but i love you..
Monday, July 23, 2012
korean drama:LOVE RAIN
dah lama betol xupdate kan..quite bz..hehehe...tu jela alasan kan..
nak tulis ape yep..??
oke...since dah lama x buat review on drama korea..ape kata post kali ni kite cite latest drama that I've watch...
sape suke Jang Geuk Suk?angkat
SNSD for k-pop fan mmg xasing la kan..YoonA pon berlakon dlm love rain ney..kalau xsilap ni 1st drama dye..sory if i get wrong info.memang cute la dorang ney..serasi je...
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adorable kan??comel~ |
oke kite layan dulu pic masa zaman 70-an ney..scene dye sangat cantek...
their love continue until 21 century..In Ha dah married with someone else..WHAT! bkn dengan Yoo Hee?
bukan..dorang tak kawen pon..Yoo Hee pon kawen dgn org lain..
tak mau bagi tau..=P
oke..sebabnya tuk bagi citer ne lebih conflict..21century..anak dorang lak yang bercinta..OMG!!!
so then cinta anak dorg ne xley together jugak sb dorg decide nak bagi laluan kat mak apak dorang la..
padahal dalam hati ney bergelora ombak rindu...
part ne..korg kena get ready dgn tisu PREMIER..nape premier?tisu lain xleh?utk kesan lebih dramatik guna lah tisu PREMIER..huhu..macam kena bayar wat iklan plak..oke..stop!
jom lah kite layan pic ney dulu...sooooo sweeeeettttt....mcm gula2 kapas gitew...
apa jadi dgn parent dorg?haa kena la tgk...hihi..
here is the overall sinopsis of this love story...
"Love Rain" depicts a 1970's pure love and a love from the present day at the same time. It shows how the offsprings of a previous ill-fated couple, who met in the 1970s, managed to meet and fall in love. Seo In Ha and Kim Yoon Hee, a art student and a shy beauty, met and fell in love with each other during college in the 1970s but unfortunately their love was fated to never be. Now in the present 21st century Korea, Seo In Ha's son, Seo Joon (a liberal photographer) meets and falls in with the daughter of Kim Yoon Hee, Yuri, a cheerful and energetic girl who's personality is different from her mother's. Will their love for each other keep them together or will they have to face the same fate as their parents?
cpt2 pg cari cite ney..try la tgk kat cni ade x.. ,
so..hope u guys do enjoys watching love rain~
Saturday, June 2, 2012
rase2nya ni kali ke-3 I rase tersangat2 la sedih..
1st- masa adik I yg bongsu meninggal..
2nd- masa my parents divorce..
3rd- masa tok meninggal..baru je 2 hari tok pergi..
hari Khamis (1 Jun 2012) mlm Jumaat..
i dapat a phone call from my sis..dengan hepynya jawab kan..
ME: hai angah!
excited angah jawab serius je..
SIS: kat mane?aritu tok sakit acik pegi tengok? the family panggil acik..
ME: urm..(serba salah)...tak sempat la angah..nape?
SIS: tok dah meninggal..baru 10minit....
dengan serta merta..laju je air mata turun..
dah tak peduli masa tu ramai orang kat bilik study..
i dah nak agak2 sawan la...
masa tu I rase penyesalan yang teramat sangat...
"kenapa lah aku tak pegi tgk atok.." "kenapa aku selalu tangguh2 nak pegi..." all this thought keep appearing..
I cuma terfikir satu je...I nak balik...sangat2..
member I pon try cari sini..sume member2 time emergency cmne la xjawab fon..
I try call cik H..coz I nak sgt cakap ngan dia..keep calling him...*naik lenguh jari jemari mendail..
after 11times I call baru la dia angkat...
nape? tok kat chuping meninggal...sob..sob..nanges xhenti...
after a while cakap ngan dia.okey la I calm..dah boleh fikir..and decide..utk balik esok pagi jek.
magic kan..walaupun atok..bukan tok kandung aku (cuma family angkat)..pepergian atok ni terasa sangat..
I dengan tok mmg agak rapat..rase2nya tok lebih rapat dgn aku drpd cucu2 dia..
teringat atok penah tanye "kalau tok mati.acik dtg tengok tak?"
yer..tok..acik datang tengok atok ney...
lepas ni dah xboleh borak2 dengan atok..
robek sireh atok..
urut atok...makan dengan atok..
i ikut iring arwah atok...smpai lah atok dimasukkn ke liang lahad..
sayu sangat..lepas ni tak dapat tgk atok..
semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat keats roh atok..
acik sayang tok...
insyaallah..acik akan selalu doakan tok,sedekahkan al-fatihah&yasin untuk tok...
~ al-fatihah utk arwah tok~
Monday, May 28, 2012
Final Battle!
here come exam!!!
right now i'm preparing for the battle...*yeke...
bile dah final exam ni...
1# bile hadap nota yg byk teori..mula lah rase macam nak rebus nota2 tu sume...pastu minum..gerenti A *tak pernah terbukti betol tak statement ne..korang la torai nanti bagitau I..berjaya ke x..hehehe..
2# tetibe korang mendapat keinsafan untuk bangun di awal pagi...betol x? yang selalu bangun pukul doblas pon akan automatik bangun terasa masa 24hour tak mncukupi untuk study...
3# kain baju bertimbun mcm gunung kinabalu..konon2 xde masa nak basuh&lipat...mula terasa nak suruh roomate yg tolong lipat..hehehe...
4# ase macam nak tampal kat dahi "JANGAN GANGGU AKU NAK STUDY" ....huh macam la study sangat..
5# tak boleh tengok member study..ase tergugat...huhu...
6# nak pegi makan pon tak sempat...mulalah makanan rasmi = MAGGI
7# time ne korang tak boley nak berenggang ngan NESCAFE yg kononnye sebagai ubat tahan ngantok...*hurm..kalau dah ngantok tu tido jugak...
8# dinding-dinding rumah@bilik akan dipenuhi dengan nota2...
9# meja dah tak nampak...di penuhi oleh buku-buku & kertas...
10# tahap stress berada di skala 10...huhu
haa..macam-macam la when it comes for final....hehehe...pape pon..sume org akan work really hard to give their best...right..?
to my classmate,housemate,roomates..& beshprens...GOOD LUCK for final!!!!
p/s: incik H...peneman setia time study..*memang setia sgt..sebab dia dah kroh..kroh..tido...hihik..
meja yang dipenuhi nota2 *bajet study..hehe
korang pernah alami tak perkara cmni?
kalau tak korang terdekat mesti ade kan??
yelaa..kalau dah takde jodoh ape bole kite buat kan..
realitinya its happen to my sis..
not once..TWICE!
1st..bercinta for 5 years..and dorg clash for some complicated reason..
lelaki A pujuk rayu accept him..
but a month later..he engage to someone else..
and now he's married..
my sis?she's okey with it..because she already had someone..
and...that someone...
which we thought is the better person than before..
as they happily together..planning on to get married by next year...
kisah antara dua darjat mnjadi isu?
yes...korang ingat cite p.ramlee je ade...heellooo...menda ni still wujud oke...
laki B pon x sincerely kot i think...even my sis dah explain everything before they get serious..
about her life..her dreams..and this guy said okey...
but then they broke up...with the stupid reason..
recently that also already engaged..yes!Engaged with someone not long after they broke up..
eh..if u xsuke or dah ade pilihan yang lain, cakap jela weh..xperlu nak bagi alasan macam2...u're such a COWARD!
he's not for u..u deserve someone much better..sis..don't be sad okey?
that guy?just GO TO HELL!ingat dia bagus sangat..helllo tak heran la...kan...
so...sis..prove it that u're someone special..don't be weak for such coward guy..its useless...
i know you're the best!be strong sis...
kalau tak korang terdekat mesti ade kan??
yelaa..kalau dah takde jodoh ape bole kite buat kan..
realitinya its happen to my sis..
not once..TWICE!
1st..bercinta for 5 years..and dorg clash for some complicated reason..
lelaki A pujuk rayu accept him..
but a month later..he engage to someone else..
and now he's married..
my sis?she's okey with it..because she already had someone..
and...that someone...
which we thought is the better person than before..
as they happily together..planning on to get married by next year...
kisah antara dua darjat mnjadi isu?
yes...korang ingat cite p.ramlee je ade...heellooo...menda ni still wujud oke...
laki B pon x sincerely kot i think...even my sis dah explain everything before they get serious..
about her life..her dreams..and this guy said okey...
but then they broke up...with the stupid reason..
recently that also already engaged..yes!Engaged with someone not long after they broke up..
eh..if u xsuke or dah ade pilihan yang lain, cakap jela weh..xperlu nak bagi alasan macam2...u're such a COWARD!
he's not for u..u deserve someone much better..sis..don't be sad okey?
that guy?just GO TO HELL!ingat dia bagus sangat..helllo tak heran la...kan...
so...sis..prove it that u're someone special..don't be weak for such coward guy..its useless...
i know you're the best!be strong sis...
~love you sis~
Monday, May 21, 2012
semalam...i supposed naik bas 12.30A.M hari isnin...
pukul 11.30 dah ade kat pudu ngan H..paksa dia teman i..huuuu jahat i..ehehe...
alasan je tu..padahal nk jmpe dia ..gedixs lol...hehe...
but anyways thanks God dye ade..kalau tak i dah meroyan kat pudu tu sensorang..hahak..
what happen?what happen?
haa nak cite la ne..
like i said my ticket is on 21 may at 12.30A.M...
bile i nak boarding...dah salam bagai...kish2 pipi *oppsss....hehe...
once i kat tangga bas tu..abg ticket tu leh ckap "adik,ni bas esok..arini tiket 20hb"
nape pulak bang?dalam hati i WAT THE H&%%^*!!!!.....
hello...sekarang dah 21hb...pukul 12.30A.M......!!! the end i xnaik H dah terkekek-kekek gelak kan i..
oooo...gelakkan i yer..xpe i pon gelak la jugak...haha..padahal dalam hati waaaaaa~ nak nanges...huhu
ape lagi?dia hntar i balik umah....
TAPI...yg i vengangnye....
ape korg tak belajar masa&hari ker? LOL...
meh nak ajar...
bile jarum panjang mnunjukkn pukul 12..ding..dong..ding..
automatikly its dah masuk hari baru..hari lain.
so i TAK SALAH beli ticket okey...
you all yg conpius...
jgn nak jaga facility yg gempak..menda cmne tak take it into consideration..
its reaallly confusing rite..
thus...disebabkan ini...i miss my class...huh mcm xpenah tuang class an..poyoo ye aku..hehe..
tp pagi isnin tu ade class DR.CONAN.....huhu...wajib pegi..ehe..
also miss my quiz..adoii..Dr Conan tetibe angin lintang mai, nak wat quiz bagai...adoiii...
so...nak wat cmne kan..terima jela...
p/s: ape yang wat i ralat sgt2..sebab i dah susahkan cik H hantar i..aduh menyesal i..gatai sgt mulut ney mintak dye hantar...
2.sejuk..naik moto,pkai short pant..
3.its already late
4.dye kena ceramah free2 jek..
5.dye lom makan sb takot lmbat amik i..
6.Tido lambat
7.terbgn lmbat
8.pegi sekolah lambat
kejam kan i langsung tak consider those things..i'm being selfish..dat not really me..tataw la kena rasuk ngan hantu mane..huhu..believe or not..i menangis bagai..coz i felt really guilty toward him really.
i never ever do that think about him and not only me..
to him..i really..really SORRY..this sumthin that i'm not expected.
pukul 11.30 dah ade kat pudu ngan H..paksa dia teman i..huuuu jahat i..ehehe...
alasan je tu..padahal nk jmpe dia ..gedixs lol...hehe...
but anyways thanks God dye ade..kalau tak i dah meroyan kat pudu tu sensorang..hahak..
what happen?what happen?
haa nak cite la ne..
like i said my ticket is on 21 may at 12.30A.M...
bile i nak boarding...dah salam bagai...kish2 pipi *oppsss....hehe...
once i kat tangga bas tu..abg ticket tu leh ckap "adik,ni bas esok..arini tiket 20hb"
nape pulak bang?dalam hati i WAT THE H&%%^*!!!!.....
hello...sekarang dah 21hb...pukul 12.30A.M......!!! the end i xnaik H dah terkekek-kekek gelak kan i..
oooo...gelakkan i yer..xpe i pon gelak la jugak...haha..padahal dalam hati waaaaaa~ nak nanges...huhu
ape lagi?dia hntar i balik umah....
TAPI...yg i vengangnye....
ape korg tak belajar masa&hari ker? LOL...
meh nak ajar...
bile jarum panjang mnunjukkn pukul 12..ding..dong..ding..
automatikly its dah masuk hari baru..hari lain.
so i TAK SALAH beli ticket okey...
you all yg conpius...
jgn nak jaga facility yg gempak..menda cmne tak take it into consideration..
its reaallly confusing rite..
thus...disebabkan ini...i miss my class...huh mcm xpenah tuang class an..poyoo ye aku..hehe..
tp pagi isnin tu ade class DR.CONAN.....huhu...wajib pegi..ehe..
also miss my quiz..adoii..Dr Conan tetibe angin lintang mai, nak wat quiz bagai...adoiii...
so...nak wat cmne kan..terima jela...
p/s: ape yang wat i ralat sgt2..sebab i dah susahkan cik H hantar i..aduh menyesal i..gatai sgt mulut ney mintak dye hantar...
2.sejuk..naik moto,pkai short pant..
3.its already late
4.dye kena ceramah free2 jek..
5.dye lom makan sb takot lmbat amik i..
6.Tido lambat
7.terbgn lmbat
8.pegi sekolah lambat
kejam kan i langsung tak consider those things..i'm being selfish..dat not really me..tataw la kena rasuk ngan hantu mane..huhu..believe or not..i menangis bagai..coz i felt really guilty toward him really.
i never ever do that think about him and not only me..
to him..i really..really SORRY..this sumthin that i'm not expected.
love note #1
i know that you in a difficult situation right now..
just want you to know that i'm here for you..
be strong..never give up..
choose whatever BEST for you..
let time decide okey??
p/s: love..and always do...
from: AH
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
23rd bufday~
happy birthday to me~~
alhamdullilah..i'm 23rd dis year....sekejap je kan..
syukur padamu ya ALLAH krn masih mengizinkan aku bernafas shingga saat ini..
pada mama & abah..terima kasih tak terhingga krna mlahirkan aku dan membesarkan selama 23 tahun ni..
sayang mama...sayang abah...
a year older..a year better~~
alhamdullilah..i'm 23rd dis year....sekejap je kan..
syukur padamu ya ALLAH krn masih mengizinkan aku bernafas shingga saat ini..
pada mama & abah..terima kasih tak terhingga krna mlahirkan aku dan membesarkan selama 23 tahun ni..
sayang mama...sayang abah...
a year older..a year better~~
Monday, February 6, 2012
those words..
" terlambat sikit je.."
oh please..
i really hate those words..
bcoz...for some reason i be hurt because of that..
![]() |
huhu...scary plak heart ne..auuucchh.. |
p/s: hurm..mood post entry pendek2..hahak =P
cinta yang hilang II
antara Dia dan Dia....ada Kamu..
Dia sayang Kamu..
tapi Dia cinta Dia..
dan cinta antara Dia dan Dia kian hilang...
setiap rasa tak perlu di terjemahkan..
kelak..ada jiwa yang terluka..
biarkan ia pergi..
hilang dalam kenangan..
tak perlu di kesalkan..
Tuhan lebih mengerti..
kerana Dia bukan untuk Dia..
harus bagaimana lagi..
tersimpul kian kusut....
tak perlu satu dunia tahu rasa antara Dia dan Dia...
tak perlu bicara pada dunia tentang Dia dan Dia...
simpan saja rasa itu menjadi rahsia cinta antara Dia dan Dia...
Dia menangis..Dia sedih..
ada Kamu antara Dia dan Dia..
biar masa yang menentukan..
cinta ini milik siapa..
sehingga saat dan ketika itu..
Dia dan Dia terus diam...menafikan.....
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don't cry babe~ |
p/s: mood jiwang masih melanda..hihi...sambungan cinta yang hilang I
Sunday, February 5, 2012
review novel:CINTA TAK TERUCAP by imani hatta
3 ari baca novel ney..abis jugak..yeaahh..
lau kat kolej ne one day pon dah bole abis..duk umah byk keje ckit..
cite ni memang best...xrugi la baca...sape2 peminat novel yg belomm mengsuggestkan novel ni..^^
this story is about Ammar Mirza dan Suri Imani (eh baru prasan heroin dia nama penulis novel ne..kan..)
sy suke tagline novel ni "perlukah cinta itu diungkap atau cukup sekadar perbuatan semata?"
Am dijodohkan dgn Iman atas permintaan family masing2..yang daah buat janji nak satu kan anak dorg..( sgt cliche kan?)
Am yang dulunya sgt kasanova...berubah since jatuh cinta dgn iman..And Iman pulak dalam diam dah syg kat husband dia...
walaupun Am ni suke cari gaduh ngan Iman tapi dia caring sgt kat iman..
sweet sgt cara Am care iman lepas kawen..sambil baca boley lak senyum sorg2 (i bet sume yg baca novel mesti camtu..senyum,gelak sorg2 an..)
since penulis ni org kuantan..byk jugak la scene kat kuantan..asik2 pg kuantan..hihi..
Ben,Amir,Erna byk jugak la mencetuskan konflik..
nanges??mesti lah..wajib..hehehe..ermm..time amir mati..mama Iman mati..Aqif&Aqil (anak2 Am&Iman) kena culik..sob..sob...sob..cedey~~
ending cite??kena baca sendiri..hihi...
hurm..perlu ke cinta diucapkan...??pada sy la..perlu sb walaupon sekali kite kena bgtau jugak yg kite syg kat dat nnt kite tak menyesal..betol x?
mmg la dr perbuatan dia kite taw dia syg kite xpasti..
huhu...mcm terer lak bab2 cintancintun ney...
so..pada all peminat novel melayu..dapatkan cinta tak terucap dipasaran skrg b4 sold out...hihi..
daaa....end for now~~
Thursday, February 2, 2012
saya tataw nape~~
bile brcakap ngan org yg kite syg...
mesti ckap pon xbetol....
arghh..dont know why... |
p/s: nebes smcm..hehe...
saya mmg ckp cmtu~~
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
cinta yang hilang~
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
U all pernah dengar tak pasal show ney..WE GOT MARRIED...
i'm sure kalau peminat tegar k-show..korean show know about this reality show..
actually..baru je i be addicted to this show..sebelum ni tataw pon..
bile dah stat layan ~ ~ i'm attached to them..hikhik..
for those yg ni pasal fake marriage between celebrity...
yup..dorg di kaplekan di kaca tb..and dorg akan mnjalani,merasai kehidupan alam perkahwinan..
apa yang saya suke pasal cite seem really real..
they both feel that feeling..mmg romantic..sweet sgt...
yg tgk pon feeling lebey...serius...nanges kot..nak2 masa dorg kena break up at the end of this show..
somethis kan i wonder..why dorg join this show..i think it hurt your feeling..
bila kita dah must let it go..wahh...sedey kot..
macam andy-solbi couple..dorg tarik diri sebab dorg rase it become too real..
currently..tgh layan khuntoria couple.....sweet gile dorg...
joomm... usha my faberet couple on WGM..
you all nak tgk jugak...
i'm sure kalau peminat tegar k-show..korean show know about this reality show..
actually..baru je i be addicted to this show..sebelum ni tataw pon..
bile dah stat layan ~ ~ i'm attached to them..hikhik..
for those yg ni pasal fake marriage between celebrity...
yup..dorg di kaplekan di kaca tb..and dorg akan mnjalani,merasai kehidupan alam perkahwinan..
apa yang saya suke pasal cite seem really real..
they both feel that feeling..mmg romantic..sweet sgt...
yg tgk pon feeling lebey...serius...nanges kot..nak2 masa dorg kena break up at the end of this show..
somethis kan i wonder..why dorg join this show..i think it hurt your feeling..
bila kita dah must let it go..wahh...sedey kot..
macam andy-solbi couple..dorg tarik diri sebab dorg rase it become too real..
currently..tgh layan khuntoria couple.....sweet gile dorg...
joomm... usha my faberet couple on WGM..
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with their one of their mission.. |
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ANDYSOLBI wedding photo |
you all nak tgk jugak...
muka seposen~~
i just browse my pictures..and i found this..urmm..what i'm thinking that time huh..??
i just laugh when i saw my own pic..hikhik..
candid picture...dat reveal real me..i guess...soo serious cik ika~~ ehe...
misteri TEMBIKAR by student of school materials engineering
just found dis on youtube...
video ni budak2 klas yg buat..caya lah korg..
shot camera quite nice...wonder korg pakai camera or just fon yer??
overall jln cite dia oke...interesting...meremang jugak la tengok..
out of 5 star...i kasi u all 4 star..hehe
nak bagi award kat dorg...
#pelakon terbaik...i nak kasi kat Jang la..lakonan dia nampak natural jek..
#pelakon pembantu terbaik...hurm..Amir kot..(scene dlm toilet td tu..)
#pelakon need improvement...Zul G..(yg pakai baju pink)..agak poyo la acting dia..hihik...
well ne supposed shown in dinner nite PPK Bahan..tapi di sebabkan masalah ni xdapat di tayangkan...kecewa jugak la budak2 ney...
but after all u guys did very nice job...BRAVO~~~
kesudahan cite ney??
hurm..i pon wonder...nanti kalau dah dpt part two..i'll share here oke...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
tak perlu kata apa-apa~~
so pkck u here also...=)
p/s: cik nab taye...sayang dia tak...action speak louder than word...u know the answer..^^
On Vacation ~ Day 2 #
hari ke-2 kena bangun awal2 pagi lagi...
yang bestnya dapat naik cable car tu...ikut laluan express secara free...weeee...syook..dpt lalu kat carpet merah...ade couple from russia yg xcukup org..1car suppose we just lucky dpt naik xyah beratur panjang2...hihi..
dah naik atas...subahanallah...cantiknya ciptaan Allah..wahhh...dgn angin sepoi2 bahasa..sejuk je...
Pantai Chenang
niat asal..nak mandi pantai..tapi...xkesampaian..
satu sebab panas. (puteri lilin an..)...pastu xde tmpat nak salin baju..
so terpksa la lupakan niat nak mandi...main2 air je...menikmati view sunset..
destinasi pertama..
Langkawi Cable Car
Excited giler since dis is my 1st time...sampai kat cable car dlm kul 8 lebey..still lenggang xde ramai org sgt..
tapi org dah stat beratur even kaunter belom bukak ag..
i dgn jah pusing2 kat oriental village....sentek la tempat tu..
self camera...gelap sikit..still awal pagi lag ney.. |
nice kan? |
senyum je... |
santek kan teratai kat blakang tu.. |
oriental village |
jumpe mr.tiger...grrr... |
main kejap.... |
tu dia aih...panjang tol line.. |
on cabel car..huhu..xcited babe.. |
dah naik atas...subahanallah...cantiknya ciptaan Allah..wahhh...dgn angin sepoi2 bahasa..sejuk je... control cun... |
atas jambatan ..mmg gayat sey.. |
Along with his lovely wife =) |
Tempat ni tataw nama ape..hihi...tapi belakangnya ade harbour la..byk kapal2...
view dia gojes sgt...singgah kejap je sb panas sgt..
fuhh..panas terik time neh..ttp maintain senyum...=) |
Pantai pasir hitam
tempat ni known as pantai pasir pasir dia kaler hitam (ye mmg la...kalu kaler pink...jadik pantai pasir pink plak...hihi)
pantai ni ade lagendanya sendiri..pasal peperangan antara kerajaan laut dan kerajaan darat (tetibe cite sejarah plak..)...kerajaan laut pasang banyakkkkk sgttt bile k.laut tgk dorg ingat ade tentera darat yg ramai dorg berundur la...sbb kan obor yg byk la mmbakar seluruh kawasan pantai tu....haaaa....cewahhh terer lak cite sal sejarah...
tapi kan kalau korek dalam2...sbnarnya pasir tu putih gak..
nampak tak pasir kat belakang tu kaler hitam kan.... |
Pantai tanjung rhu
wahhh..santek gile pantai sb kan panas sgt..tgk dr jauh jela...takut sunburn..hehe..
lunch kat sini...quite oke la.. |
Beras terbakar
boreh terbakau..hahha...syurga beli kain..byk gak la dorg ne borong...
ni la dia tempat beras terbakar |
tempat kejadian beras terbakar..kat depan umah ku halim.. |
fewitt..ngorat ley.. |
niat asal..nak mandi pantai..tapi...xkesampaian..
satu sebab panas. (puteri lilin an..)...pastu xde tmpat nak salin baju..
so terpksa la lupakan niat nak mandi...main2 air je...menikmati view sunset..
sempat bual2 dgn beach boy kat situ...
duk sini mesti best kan...?
duk k.l lagi best...nape?
kat k.l bole tgk org pakai skirt,sluar..kat sini tgk org pakai spender..bikini je...
huahaahaha....pandai abg ney wat lawak ye..
malamnya kami kua pi pekan kuah again...soping ag...
along dgn minuman pelik..xsyedap..wekk |
waa..lolipop besaq yg cuma ade kat langkawi..sedap ke jah... |
last desnination..mkn ikan bakaq kat pantai cenang.. |
balik bilik...tidoqq....lena xhingat..hihi...
fennaaattt sey...esok pack to back home..yeaahhh...
......end for now......
harus lah love~~~
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